March/April 2018 Newsletter
One Step at a Time
Pastor George II Peter 3:18
Roof Loan
The 5-year loan for our new roof is almost over! The 2018 year will be the last. The balance due is $2,666.76. Semi annual payments to be made in the amount of $1333.38 each will be made in January and July.
Greetings from Dollie's desk
As all of you know this has been quite a snowy winter. Sitting here with warm sunshine in my room it is hard to think it is cold outside.
There have been a lot of sick ones and hope when Spring comes everyone will feel better. Arlene Mathews was in the hospital and rehab. She has to stay in for now so we miss her at church. Illness has kept several others away from church also. Let’s pray for God’s healing touch on each one.
We again fixed goodie bags for the Carroll College girl’s softball team. This is such a neat way of reaching out to others.
On the 19th of February three ladies met and tied quilts. We had a cold front that kept some away. We tied 3 baby quilts and one large one. Then Pat Woods and I delivered 5 quilts to the YWCA and 18 scarves to God’s love. If anyone with a sewing machine would like to help sew bindings on quilts, please let Sue Garber or me know. We have quite a few to do and plan to give to them away also.
Bob and Sue Garber drove to Oregon to help with his sister and husband who has had an extended stay in the hospital. They drove through storms going and returning and made it home safely.
I leave you with this thought: God won’t ask what kind of fancy car you drive. He will ask how many people you took to church who didn’t have transportation. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. “
Until next month may God bless you,
Dollie Post