Journey Groups


Boots and Bibles - children’s groups meet every Sunday morning!Our children’s ministry based on Isaiah 52:7 & Ephesians 6:15, is during morning worship for children from birth through 6th gradeChildren have a chance to join us in class to learn …

Boots and Bibles - children’s classes meet every Sunday morning!

Our title of our children’s ministry is based on Isaiah 52:7 & Ephesians 6:15. Nursery is available during the entire service. Children ages 4 and up worship with the adults, then are dismissed to their classes during the sermon.

Children have a chance to join us in class to learn the good news of Jesus Christ! We have created a culture where children can learn about Jesus and the love He has for them through fun and exciting weekly adventures. Teachers help foster long lasting friendship between their peers that is built on their shared love of Jesus!

FBC also has children’s events throughout the year; children’s holiday choir events, pancake breakfasts, service projects, Vacation Bible School, camps, Wednesday evening children’s ministry, and more.

Join Pastor George as he takes a journey through the book of Revelation with the Men’s Journey group.

Ladies Journey Group

Our Journey Groups are on hold for now. Keep watching for more information.